Junior Advisors

The newly elected Junior Advisors are Aaron and Darcy Boyce from Lipan, Texas.

Showmanship Series

Don’t miss the opportunity to compete in the Texas Junior Chianina Association Showmanship Series. Detailed information here.


Membership year is January 1 through December 31 of the current year.

Membership dues are $25 per junior member and $15 for each additional family member. Membership information can be found here.

Memberships will be collected at Ft. Worth, San Antonio, San Angelo, and State Show. You can also mail them in at your convenience.

You must be a paid member to exhibit at San Antonio and Houston. Membership will be verified. Please be aware of the rules in the Chianina Breed show specifications at each of the Texas Majors. This rule also applies to the State Show held in conjuction with the Texas Junior Maine-Anjou Association.